LeadingRE Welcomes SLM to Solutions Group Program


– SLM offers technology and marketing support services.

CHICAGO – (October 10, 2023) – Leading Real Estate Companies of the World® welcomes Scott Le Roy Marketing (SLM) to its Solutions Group program of preferred business resources for its global network of 550 market-leading real estate firms. SLM provides agent and technology onboarding, as well as ongoing technology support services to brokerages of all sizes.

SLM’s range of solutions encompasses the setup of agent technologies such as email CRM software, transaction management software, websites, internal systems, and applications. They also conduct scheduled check-ins with agents and offer both live and virtual tech training sessions. Additionally, SLM provides back-office support services like finance, cybersecurity, and admin support services.  Moreover, SLM offers digital marketing services, including SEO optimization, social media campaigns, and email marketing. These services are strategically crafted to enhance visibility and reach for brokers and agents.

“SLM will make a great addition to the program given their commitment to high-quality, cost-effective technical support and digital marketing. In an increasingly online world, SLM’s expertise in building a robust online presence can be a game changer for our members,” said LeadingRE Vice President, Sales/Partnerships Jeff Kennedy.

Learn more about SLM at scottleroymarketing.com.

“LeadingRE’s focus on innovation, technology, and new services aligns well with SLM’s mission to provide tech-enabled and scalable solutions to brokerages,” said Scott Le Roy, founder of SLM.

Learn more about Leading Real Estate Companies of the World® at LeadingRE.com.



About SLM

Founded in 2012, Scott Le Roy Marketing provides top tier systems on-boarding, technology support, platform training and digital marketing management to businesses, entrepreneurs and startups. With over 650+ satisfied clients, SLM has worked tirelessly to provide the highest level of marketing and customer service.

About Leading Real Estate Companies of the World®

Chicago-based Leading Real Estate Companies of the World® (LeadingRE.com) is a global network of top independent real estate firms, with 550 companies and 138,000 sales associates in over 70 countries. LeadingRE supports its members with powerful connections to other market leaders and access to innovative, performance-driven programs. LeadingRE is also active in commercial real estate, with over 200 firms in 20 countries specializing in the commercial arena.