Luckily the Côte d'Azur Provençale has fortunately been kept authentic and natural far from real estate promoters’ appetite. Along this area stretching from Hyères to Cavalaire-sur-Mer time seems to have halted : the contours of the Golden Islands, the headlands stretching out into the deep blue see and the gentle peaks create a horizon of infinite possibilities. Sanhen Properties will make you discover such a rare gem of beauty nesting unexpected places and, their managers, Sandrine Roulph and Henri-Noël Guérif, will be happy to welcome you in their agency inside Toulon-Hyères’ airport to meet and even exceed your dreams.
Hyères *
Henri-Noel Guerif
+33 (0) 648307573
Henri-Noel Guerif
+33 (0) 648307573
Henri-Noel Guerif
+33 (0) 648307573