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Offices: 12
Sales Associates: 239

Headquarters Location:
7 Trap Falls Road
Shelton, CT United States

Matt Lane

Referral Email:

William Raveis Real Estate - FL

William Raveis is a real estate company that does things right. Rooted in a foundation of family values, William Raveis is bringing a breath of fresh air to real estate. Firm believers in doing the right thing by its clients, William Raveis recognize that lasting relationships come from care, courtesy and commitment – to both our clients and their communities. These values embody the William Raveis difference and we strive to surprise with service, delight with dedication and maintain a moral code which sets the gold standard in our sector.

The William Raveis Family of Companies attributes its success to a consistent emphasis on integrity, service, and experience. Offering one-stop shopping for its clients, the company provides mortgage, insurance, relocation and closing/title services under one trusted name; William Raveis. The firm’s website annually attracts 13 million visitors worldwide. With widget and RSS technology, the site is capable of delivering the latest customized housing data, listing and mortgage rate notifications directly to their customers.

William Raveis Real Estate, Mortgage & Insurance is among New England and Florida’s largest privately held, family-owned real estate firm. The company is comprised of sales associates operating at offices across a nine-state footprint.

List of Coverage Areas - 13
* Office Location
United States

Delray Beach *

Gulf Stream

Hobe Sound


Jupiter Island *


Marco Island *

Naples *

Ocean Ridge

Palm Beach *

Palm Beach Gardens *

Wellington *

West Palm Beach



Relocation & Referral Contacts- 3
Relocation Director

Kim Givens, CRP, GRP
(877) 339-4082

Incoming Coordinator

Kelli Cooper
(203) 225-2496

Outgoing Coordinator

Kelli Cooper
(203) 225-2496

Current Company Listings in Florida - 815
Recent Listings Include View All
Current Company Open House Listings in Florida - 56
Open Houses View All


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